the wall
we don't need no leftist nation we don't need no thought control no gender doubting in the classroom teacher, leave them kids alone hey! teacher! leave them kids alone! all in all, it's just another joke on the wall all in all, you're just another woke in the hall walt disney
disney kingdom barque of ra sails among river beasts pirate demons animal gods surrender stage to animal goofs mouse dog duck white europe pyramid matterhorn xians
marvel x-men tired franchise yields to xians followers of superhero turns water into wine heals the sick controls the weather xians defy death ascend to the h-dimension enemy of gaze and needles who claim pleasure and death create angels yeats
praise ye yeats the second coming is spot on the falcon cannot hear the falconer no leash on my power things fell apart the centre party could not hold against hitler the best lack all conviction while proud boys and antifa are full of passionate intensity a waste of desert sand saddam hussein lion body head of man about him shadows of american jets my hour come round i slouch toward bethlehem ready to be born zombie
eat my brains share my vision become dead to lies of the world break through the windows break through the doors break on through to the other side More poetry at
Image Amazon rainforest, Phil P Harris, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons