jung and einstein
scarab at window knocks reason out of dreamer carl jung master of personality synchronicity the collective beetle crawling over globe does not see curve but einstein opens scarab eyes to light bent by gravity observing solar eclipse proves einstein solar god jung and einstein mind and matter kaaba kaboom
enewetak omen h-bomb test in kaaba building predicts h-bomb on kaaba merge cern and mecca muhammad must go to the mountains circle of kaaba meets circle of particles spirit meets matter kidneys
twin repositories of salts oxalates bad habits kidney stones kenny rogers dolly parton islands in the stream worst case die or dialysis transplant streetcar desire i have always depended on the kidneys of strangers legion is crown marvel comic trippy legion is the crown syd and elizabeth gloved queens of morality and truth regal e rarely barely sees through common eyes lenny and margaret princess party animals farouk shadow king philip angry boy in shadow of queen royal plane touring dying empire tramps touring astral plane david superpower rising from drugs and disorder america superpower falling into drugs and disorder little nikki
little nicky adam sandler spawn of satan little nikki no spawn of satan but pawn of wall street no hades in haley no fire in belly no fire in speeches liz holmes
theranos eros con jobs in steve jobs turtleneck collects blood for lab crime just a fingerprick she’s just a prick cutthroat broke glass ceiling fed shards to investors rupert murdoch henry kissinger betsy devos tim draper not a sherlock among them could see through holmes locusts
quartermass and the pit nazi locusts from mars dead but psyche lives memory of race war make mars great again possessed brits riot against the other trump locust rises right and left riot against the other iron crane takes down locust demon rusty biden takes down locust trump swarm returns in suitable conditions |
Images H-bomb building in 1952, U.S. Dept. of Defense, public domain; Legion, FX Productions, et al., fair use; Elizabeth Holmes, 2014, Max Morse for TechCrunch, CC BY 2.0