americans becoming indians nineteen forty-seven muslims pull away from hindu dominance heartland and dixie pull away from liberal elite americans on warpath force choice red or blue no purple reign purge for purity sharp boundaries cut and maim violent partition migration of millions peace
less squid game more squidward and spongebob fewer terminators more terms of endearment every national anthem all you need is love quantum history
spooky actions over time and space overseen by holy spook divine design in lincoln-kennedy entanglement bullets in heads next to wives lincoln in ford's theater kennedy in lincoln made by ford elected 1860 and 1960 vice presidents johnson assassin fleeing from theater to warehouse assassin fleeing from warehouse to theater theater play our american cousin becomes irish nickname for kennedy the tall target kennedy finds plot against lincoln is plot against him kennedy alive is hawk over vietnam unclear war becomes nuclear war but assassin clips his wings culture interrupted strangelove changed the doctor delayed as real time lord changes the story rose tree dream of rose tree abundant branches cut white roses for lady ask to graft my flower on branch our lady says yes echo of guadalupe my beliefs will bloom among catholics spiked orbs
event horizon deepwater horizon british production british petroleum deep space hell deep ocean hell event coast guard patches deepwater coast guard rescue gravity drive oil slick gravity drive spiked orb bp logo spiked orb promise of pain for sins against sea virus spiked orb |
Images Virgin of Guadalupe, 1824, Isidro Escamilla, public domain; BP logo ® British Petroleum, fair use; Event Horizon © Paramount Pictures, fair use